Product Photo Guidelines

Technical Requirements

Format: The photo must be in either JPEG or PNG

Dimension: The dimension must be at least 1000 x
1000 in height and width both.

Size: The photo size must be at least 1 MB.

Colour Mode: sRGB or CMYK colour mode is

File name: Only the product's name should be
included in the filename. Additional characters or
symbols must be avoided in file names.

Borders, Frames, Logos: There must be no border,
frame, or trademark on the photos. Drawings,
pictures, and charts are also not permitted.

Photo Requirements

Feasible view/angle

Every feasible view/angle of the product must be covered
in photos (front, back, sides or any other angles you think is

Product's scale

The photos must be able to fit inside the website's
designated area. In photographs, there must be no additional objects Unless
it's to show the product's scale.


Colors should be accurate, and they should match the
product's actual colours.
Photos need to be taken in the right lighting.About 80% of the image frame should be filled with


The entire product must be photographed .In your photographs, avoid using filters or tinting the

Collapsible row

  • Before uploading, always double-check your images.
    It has to be of excellent quality.
    On a pure white background or a background that isn't too
    cluttered (Minimal decoration and photography props in
  • Every feasible view/angle of the product must be covered
    in photos (front, back, sides or any other angles you think is

  • The photos must be able to fit inside the website's
    designated area.

    In photographs, there must be no additional objects Unless
    it's to show the product's scale.

  • Colors should be accurate, and they should match the
    product's actual colours.
    Photos need to be taken in the right lighting.

    About 80% of the image frame should be filled with

  • The entire product must be photographed.

    In your photographs, avoid using filters or tinting the

  • Before uploading, always double-check your images.
    It has to be of excellent quality.
    On a pure white background or a background that isn't too
    cluttered (Minimal decoration and photography props in

  • Inappropriate writing, props, or backgrounds should be
    avoided in photos because they will cause the product to
    be rejected.

  • The product should be demonstrated in use. For instance, if
    it's a painting, it should be shown hanging on the wall.
    Zoomed in photo of the product so that customer may
    view the texture and material of the product

  • Background Color Palette