Beginner Candle Making Workshop

Beginner Candle Making Workshop

Now learn the Candle Making  art and small business tips from industry expert .

What is Candle Making Art?

Candle-making is all about the details. Choosing a wick on its own is hard work, as a wick that’s too big will produce lots of soot and burn too hot, while a wick that’s too small will tunnel down the middle and drown itself. The only way to find the right size is through trial and error. 

Furthermore, the temperature at which you add fragrance and pour the wax can make a huge difference! Fragrance oils also react to wax differently, so even when you’ve found a formula that works, it’s necessary to test new fragrances every time. 

Candle-making takes a lot of skill and experience to master, but I also love it for those very reasons. It’s a beautiful art form that has been around for centuries. I like to call it ‘wax alchemy’ as it’s essentially a process of combining raw materials and creating something new from it. 

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What You’ll Learn

 In this workshop, you will learn about the basic fundamentals of  Candle Making  art and some tips and tricks to how you can start your own Candle journey. The entire webinar is divided into two days.

Day 1

Making of the different types of candles with and without blends. 

Adding fragrances and colors to candles ( when and how) to create different effects.

Will learn to make jar candles, pillar candles and silicon mold candles. 

How to measure the capacity of jar, need of double poring in jars and pillars. 

Day 2

Unmolding the candles

Decoration of candles with dry flowers and herbs 

Packaging and securing the candles

Costing of candles &.Business opportunities

About the Instructor

Cattleya creations because of their curiosity and dream at young age and because of their fate and encouragement they found their passion in art and design. Their artistic passion helped them to look for something with colours and variants and that's how cattleya creations came into existence.

 They started with manufacturing of decorative candles for sweet weeding couples with all soy wax, bees wax and alcohol free fragrances. But then something was missing. And they found that missing piece when they came to know about aromatherapy which has mind blowing health benefits and spiritual benefits. And the whole new journey started and they entered in the whole pool of trying many different fragrance for health and spiritual healing. 

This all opened new realm into the world of fragrances, and then learned about single note fragrances such as Lavender, Rose, Coffee, Lemongrass and many such. And along with aromatherapy entered a new world. This is how over a period of time they got 45 different fragrances. They always believed in "Sky is the limit" and always look for new commitments and new experiments in association with art.  So Let’s get associated and start a new journey together.

Find her here: Cattleya Creations


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