Pubali Chauduri, a popular fashion and beauty influencer, recently collaborated with Riansh Store to review their latest product, the Red Rhassoul Clay Whipped Soap. But this is not your ordinary soap. The RG whipped cream soap is actually a foaming body butter, loaded with glycerine, that can be used as a shaving cream, face wash, or even as a deep conditioner for your skin.
The Red Rhassoul clay in this whipped soap is the secret ingredient that makes it so special. Not only does it give the soap its beautiful red color, but it also deeply cleanses the skin, removes blackheads, and tightens the pores. It even has sebum-controlling minerals, which make it perfect for people with oily skin.
But that's not all - the high levels of iron oxide in the Red Rhassoul clay also help in purifying, brightening, and strengthening the skin. The whipped soap also contains ylang-ylang essential oils, which add to the overall luxurious experience of using this product.
In her review, Pubali raved about the Red Rhassoul Clay Whipped Soap's many benefits, and showcased how she uses it in her own skincare routine. With its natural ingredients and multiple uses, this whipped soap is definitely worth considering if you're looking for a luxurious and effective addition to your skincare routine.
In conclusion, Riansh Store's Red Rhassoul Clay Whipped Soap, with its unique foaming body butter formula and natural ingredients, is a must-try product for anyone looking to improve their skincare routine. So why not give it a try and see the benefits for yourself?